A friend sent me an email the other day, pointing out that 2011 had been a year of one emotional punch to the gut after another for me...and you know what? She’s absolutely right. 2011 was my very own Annus Horribilis...a horrible year indeed.
And yet, when I look back, I see how much good there truly was...because of the breakdown of my marriage, my relationship with my daughters has grown and we have become closer than I ever thought possible. I helped them through this trying year and they have done the same for me.
Christmas self-portrait - even the dog wanted in on the action! |
I no longer have that male voice reminding me of my imperfections, how I am not pretty enough, young enough, smart enough or good enough...and I relish the silence.
A granddaughter was born...what a reason to celebrate! A beautiful little bundle of love...she helped remind me of the goodness in this world.
Existing friendships evolved, some ended, new ones made, here and in blogland...how wonderful to know other people appreciate and value who I am. I travelled on my own, with family and with friends...new adventures, good and bad, but always a learning experience.
Good times in San Francisco. |
Through it all, I quilted, I planned projects, I searched for fabric, I cut, sewed, cut some more and sewed more, piece by piece, discovering my likes, dislikes, who I am as a quilter, as a mother, as a friend and as a human being.
So, goodbye 2011. Thank you for all the lessons you’ve taught me, but I don’t really want any more learning experiences or times of personal growth. My greatest wish for 2012 is to live in peace. Sounds simple enough, and yet...
I hope we all find ways to spend more time in our sewing room this year, more time sharing quilt stories and tips, and more laughter with friends and family, yes, definitely more laughter and joy in 2012.
May you be filled with gentle loving kindness
May you be well
May you be peaceful and at ease