Saturday, January 29, 2011

Disappearing Nine-Patch Variation #2

Hello everyone!  The snow is flying once again here in Calgary, back to winter after our lovely little respite from the cold...ahh well, that's the way it goes, a Chinook blows in and sets our minds to thinking of spring and then wham!! back to the realities of winter.;-)

If you're not a winter sports nut I mean, enthusiast, then this is perfect stay-in-your-house and curl up and read weather or hide-away-in-your-sewing-room and quilt weather.  If you're quilting, I have another variation of the disappearing nine-patch to show you.  I found this one on the web here:


Begin by making your nine-patch block.  I used 5-inch squares for this example.
Cut as you would for a traditional disappearing nine-patch.
Measure your four smaller blocks.  This one is 7-inches.
Find a contrasting fabric and cut four 7-inch squares.

Place contrasting fabric square on top of your nine-patch block.  Draw a diagonal line on your block, from the central corner to the outer corner, pin squares together. 
Repeat for all four squares.
Sew a scant 1/4 inch seam on each side of your drawn diagonal line, as above.

Once your sewing is done, cut along the diagonal line and you will have eight smaller units.  Press open.

Here are four of the blocks set in a pinwheel pattern.

Another possibility...

...and yet another. Have fun with this!


  1. Thank you so much for showing this technique. I taught it to a beginners class this morning and we all loved it.

  2. I love the pinwheel variation of this. great!


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