Goodness, where has the time gone? This year has simply flown by and I for one am glad to see 2010 come to an end, hoping the new year will bring more joy than sorrow for us all.
I don't usually make new year's resolutions (mostly because I never keep them!), but thought it would be a good idea to resolve to make a few changes, especially as it relates to quilting, because let's face it, those last 10 pounds I "should" lose are never coming off and there's no way I'm ever taking up jogging...or doing yoga again...ever.
Here's what I hope to do this coming year:
1. I will treat every quilt I make as a learning experience, an opportunity to say 'wow I really like what I did here' or 'wow, what was I thinking?' and leave it at that.
2. I will spend as much time as possible in my sewing room (or garden), working on projects I enjoy, without apologizing for the dust or general disorder of the house, life is short and I have quilts to make (and flowers to tend to)!!
3. I will challenge myself in ways that are meaningful to me, by using colours outside my comfort zone, trying new techniques, and quilting something bigger than lap-size quilts!
4. I will use up
5. I will enjoy the process (unless I have to cut over 100 half-square triangles or something ridiculous...I can't promise I'll enjoy that process, but whatever, you get the idea) and worry less about the outcome.
Happy New Year to you all!